Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Haters Gon' Hate: The Red Balloon

If you have never seen the french short from 1960, ''The Red Balloon,'' see it. It runs a little over a half hour. If you have HuluPlus you can see it for the monthly bill you've already paid. I won't spoil if you haven't seen it, but I'll give you a few reactions if you have or want to.

The film is about an adorable little french boy who finds this brilliant red balloon. Turns out, the balloon has a mind of it's own, but will surrender it's animate will to this kid's whims. The kid only makes responsible requests of the balloon, he's a good kid. There is a beautiful and historic record of Old Paris created with the cinematography in this film. Much of it's backdrop of homes and community was removed in the years following this release, for ''urban renewal.'' The scenery is charming, but dark. I've not yet been to Paris, but it gives you a sense of the air in the city at least at that time. 

Throughout the film the little boy encounters many people who look at him with what could only be described as jealousy. They want to know just who he thinks he is, and why he thinks he should have something so awesome. By the end, this nasty behavior reaches a fever pitch, and shows us just how we pass on those bad habits to the smaller members of society. 

To wit I say: Haters Gon' Hate. 

Somebody is always gonna be pissed when people have something they think they should have, or can't get. I'm not talking about the ''haters'' people whine about on social media in a fit of narcissism and delusion. I'm talking about real mumble-n-grumble, snarling haters who don't want to see people happy. This isn't everyone.  Most people know how to root for another person. But there is a sub section of people and groups of people who make it their life's mission to knock over ice-cream cones, step on new sneakers, slut-shame, destroy body images, erode confidence, burn whole towns, and generally piss on your parade. 

Sometimes those people are familiar. Sometimes they are relative strangers. Sometimes they are teachers, classmates, guidance counselors, clergy, family members  grandmas, uncles, kids, teens, adults, short, tall, rich, poor... but no matter who they are, you have to decide if they are going to dictate your life. So whenever and wherever you can, do the Heisman on them h*es. And move around. 

There's so much more life you have to live. Don't let anybody stop you. 

And while you're doing all this glorious living, take a look at this wonderful, award-winning classic film.